Hello sweethearts, I hope you're all settling in wonderfully to the holidays. How can we talk about holidays without talking about love, sharing and all the sweet beautiful things that come with it. I watched a video yesterday of a grandpa who feigned his death just to see his children and grand children and it struck a cord in my heart that most of us only have to hear bad news before we show that we care. I've come to equate that also with the world we live in today
which has become so egoistic, selfish and self centred. I was speaking to a friend of mine sometime ago and while I was talking about making the rounds in Nigeria to see all of them, she told me that everyone is busy and no one has time for that anymore. It hasn't stopped her from being my friend tho, but it made me seem like I was the only one who really cared enough to show that love and care to the extent of wanting to fly down and see her and the others wherever they were. I haven't given up on the fact that we can still show love and live it even in these dangerous and evil times........

that's what separates us from ego, pride and arrogance. The reason for the season is sharing and showing love even to those who just don't like you for no reason, or those whom you're quarrelling with. Make the bold step and you'll see how better you'd feel.

You know the word forgiveness wasn't for the person who offended you, it's actually for you who was offended so that you'll be free and know joy. (Think about it)  .........

Anyways back to this beautiful outfit which I totally threw on together, I didn't know how it was going to be or the reaction I was going to receive till I stepped out. Most people kept asking where did I get the outfit from and believe me I've had this dress and boots for the past 5 years. (hehehehe the benefits of buying good quality). Except the poncho souple which is totally new from C&A and as always my hair in a good ol' #chignon or #updo as most of like to call it these days.

For the holidays I think it's lovely and chic at the same time. I know some people have a hard time with looking good and fashionable during winter and believe me I had that problem once but then, I also discovered that in winter you could really get away with a lot of things especially oversized clothing and don't get me started on the coats.
Anyways , I hope you all enjoy this look as much as I did and feel free to share your thoughts and your pics for holiday fashion ideas. I would be so glad to see them too.

Bon weekend et Joyeux fetes.

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